Tiger from BOR Wildlife Sanctuary (MAH) which is a 63 Sq Km. of Protected Area ! Although the area protected is very small, it has quite a good forested area surrounding it. There are several reports of tigers from these surrounding forests :)
In Feb 2010 I was in BOR, looking for tiger scat. Every day I would sample roads and trails in search of fresh tiger poop :).
While walking along a trail, me and Sachin (Forest Guard) came across a carcass of wild pig; we looked at it and then continued walking on the trail, hoping to get a scat.
On the way back somewhere near the spot where we saw the pig, we could hear a tiger roaring (Crazy !). We stood still; we could make out its movement based on the changing direction of the sound. After a while we headed back to the base. But at night we could still hear the tiger :)
Next day we deployed few camera traps in the surrounding area and also marked the GPS locations. After 4 days we returned to the sight and were very happy to see the captures.
The forest department staff was happy to see these images and was convinced that they can get basic idea about individual tigers with such opportunistic camera trapping and GPS locations.
The department dose not have the expertise and the number of equipments required to monitor tigers systematically. But these images helped in a way that they decided to use the cameras and GPS that they had to generate a very basic database of tigers in that area :)
gr8 job done sir!! keep it up!!
Very good news that tigers are present in Bor Wildlife sanctuary.
It was good to know that you are studying them and managed to photgraph them.Please keep it up.
Ravindra Yadav
Thank you :)
anand : I had been to Bor twice in May 2011. Its GRREEaat. Its going to be the best sanctuary in India in another 5 years.Forest staff is polite (Great news), cooperative (amazing) and willing. Remember it is closed on Mondays.
Bor is simply great. Its going to be the best in India in another 5 years. I had been to Bor twice in May 2011. Forest staff is polite, cooperative and willing. Remeber it is closed on Mondays.Tiger number I believe is more than 15. I spotted two in three days.
Excellent Find! That would have been so thrilling and satisfying. Masstach!
Cam someone plz help me with the timings of bor sanctuary. Also, are guides and gypsies available there easily?
Can anyone reply !!!
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